Condominium with 107 flats

Condominium with 107 flats

Milan, Italy 
Condominium with 107 flats
System: hydronic hybrid factory-made with Intelliplant management system Condominium with Year: 2023

 Casa accessibile e sostenibile per Persone con Disabilità

Casa accessibile e sostenibile per Persone con Disabilità

Castelfranco Veneto, Treviso – Italy 
System: Smart Living
Year 2013-2023

 132 Arthur Street office building

132 Arthur Street office building

Sydney, Australia
System: Hydronic WSAT-XSC3
Year: 2023

 Wollongong Day Surgery

Wollongong Day Surgery

Wollongong, Australia
System: Hydronic ELFOEnergy Magnum MF 
Year: 2023 

 ASD Team sport Isola

ASD Team sport Isola

Isola della Scala (VR), Italy
Municipal swimming pool
System: hydronic AHU AQX
Year of construction: 2010
Year of retrofit: 2023

 Private semi-detached house in North Rhine-Westphalia

Private semi-detached house in North Rhine-Westphalia

Neunkirchen Seelscheid in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany
System Edge Evo 2.0 EXC. 8.1T + 300l DHW tank
Year 2023

 Procemsa SpA

Procemsa SpA

Nichelino, Turin - Italy
System: Hydronic - UTA AQX and CLA
Year: 2023

 Chamois, Aosta, Italy

Chamois, Aosta, Italy

Class A4 house at 1800 metres
System: Clivet Smart Living - Sphera EVO 2.0 + ELFORoom2 + Thermostats + Control4 NRG
Year 2023

 5-star hotel in Athens

5-star hotel in Athens

Athens, Greece
System: Hydronic + Primary Air (WDAN-iK4 MF + ELFODUCT MP + SAHU + AQX)
Year 2022

 Shopping Centre Curno

Shopping Centre Curno

Curno, Bergamo, Italy
System: Rooftop – VRF - Mini VRF
Year 2022

 Private house in Feltre with Split and Energy Storage

Private house in Feltre with Split and Energy Storage

Feltre, Belluno - Italy
System: Split + Sinergy
Year 2023

 Semi-detached house in class A2 in Pedavena

Semi-detached house in class A2 in Pedavena

Pedavena, Belluno - Italy
System: Smart Living - Sphera EVO 2.0 Hybrid + Sinergy + Control4 NRG
Year 2023